Eyes of the Skin

Cabinet of the unknown. Werkbundarchiv Museum der Dinge. Kulturstiftung des Bundes


VIDEO Installation, Cabinet d’Ignorance, WEKBUNDARCHIV - MUSEUM DER DINGE



Two Channel Video, 34 mins, 2017

Camera and Editing: Alexander Gheorghiu. In collaboration with Die Imaginäre Manufaktur DIM 26 / USE, Union Sozialer Einrichtungen

With the support of the German Federal Cultural Foundation / Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

“Eyes of the Skin” is a video that has been created in reference to Juhani Pallasmaa’s book under the same title, a book that served as the backbone of this participatory project. Focusing on methods of knowing and perception, the video has been realised with two visually impaired project participants. In the quest of the unknown objects that the Museum Team found at Museum der Dinge, along with other museum 'neighbours’, I have asked two visually impaired person if they know what these object are. Made for the Cabinet of the Unknown project.